We reduce monthly recurring consumer expenses

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What we do
We have 1 primary goal: to reduce monthly recurring consumer expenses. Easy and safe: cost reduction in 5 minutes.

To achieve this we work via our own brands and we cooperate with a lot of partners. Our partners can use our platform and our knowledge to help their communities.

For suppliers we fulfill two main goals in their strategy: the acquisition of new customers or the renewal of the contracts of the existing ones. Our mutual success is based on two things: on our group method which generates and convinces customers with the preferred profile and on our operational organization. This results in low total acquisition costs.
Our 5 key principles
  1. We realise relevant and recurring benefits
  2. We clarify markets and products
  3. We arrange it completely online
  4. We make it free, safe, simple and effective
  5. We support using e-mail, chat and call-back
Our method
We generate the best offers for consumers.

We are proud of our own developed reverse auction model. Since 2009 we successfully reduce monthly recurring expenses in several product categories.

In our auctions suppliers are bidding against each other online. The bidding continues until the best and thus winning offer is determined. This offer is then presented to large groups of registered consumers.

Besides the auctions we offer the best deals for products and/or services which are paid on a monthly basis.

CR5 has generated their own large databases of members. Besides that we have a strategic partnership with Consumentenbond since 2017

CR5 arranges better rates and conditions in different product categories. With a clear focus on products and services which are a relevant part of monthly consumer expenses. Besides that; these costs are recurring and relatively intransparent.
Paying less for exactly the same gas and electricity. Simple as that! We also clarify it, so people understand what they pay for.

Since our start in 2009, we have generated over 100 group offers. Together with our partners we help consumers to lower their energy bill.
Private lease
Since 2014 we offer consumers the best private lease deals for a car.

Specifically offers based on payments on a monthly basis. All-in contracts for 12 months up to 60 months. Using a product instead of owning it.

Worldwide we are the only company which generates such offers via reverse auctions.
Heating systems
Systems to heat your house and enjoy a warm shower. These are important and should function without problems. Since 2018 we offer the best deals. People can buy or rent them including installation and services.

Multiple brands, different capacities, lowest prices, highest quality.

The CR5 group started in 2009 and was the first company in Europe to organize reversed auctions for energy, mobile subscriptions as well as private leasing contracts (cars and ebikes).

In 2009 we started with the brand ‘groepsveiling.nl’ ( “Group Auction” ).
In 2018 we added the well known brand SLOOPdeCRISIS to our portfolio.
In 2019 we added a 3rd brand: KOOPKRACHT., ( Dutch for ‘Purchase power’ ).
As of June 2024 we continued focusing on 1 brand: groepsveiling.nl.

With our brands and partnerships we strive to increase the purchase power of the consumer. Simply by offering them special deals, which make it possible to pay less for the monthly recurring expenses. Our key products are energy contracts, private carleasing and heating systems.

In our markets we operate with our own brand. Besides that we have partnerships with organizations who represent large numbers of consumers. Which can be their members, clients, personnel or followers.

These cooperations result in an effective triangle of consumers, suppliers and our platform. Looking at the partners we work and have worked with well-known organizations such as EBAY (Marktplaats), RTL (‘Dubbeltje op zijn kant’) Roularta (PLUS), DPG Media, Mediahuis (De Telegraaf, NRC), ANWB and Consumentenbond.

Our brands

groepsveiling.nl (founded in 2009)
We have organized over 100 reverse auctions. Suppliers bid against each other in online bidding rounds. The consumers can benefit from the outcome of the auction. Based on our own brand groepsveiling.nl we cooperate with many endorsing partners and we facilitate it for communities and companies.

Consumentenbond (partnership since 2017)
Besides our activities with our own brand we intensively work together with the Dutch Consumerorganisation: ‘Consumentenbond’. Our strategic partner since 2017.

Previously, until June 2024:

SLOOPdeCRISIS (founded in 2013, part of CR5 since 2018)
SLOOPdeCRISIS.nl focuses on the power of the collective as well. Principle: “Together we can get the lowest rates!” The growth of the brand was created through an intensive TV campaign in cooperation with RTL. Up to 1 million households used the platform and registered with SLOOPdeCRISIS.

KOOPKRACHT. (founded in 2019)
Through the website koopkracht.nl we offer consumers attractive deals for all kinds of services and products. Better prices, excellent conditions. Not only the recurring monthly spendings, but other attractive offers as well. Principle: “Why would you pay more?”

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Contact us
If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to contact us.
Are you thinking of offering better terms to your clients, members or personnel? Do you have a large community which you would like to offer something new? Contact us!